My fellow classmate
Whitney chose to do her commentary on the issue of tax dollars paying for abortions. First of all, I do like the fact that she is for woman's choice- not pro abortion or against abortion, but, instead, realizing it is for the woman (and some input of the "father") to decide if the decision of the abortion is the correct one in each individual circumstance. She goes on to say that she would not choose to have one, and I think this can create a bias when deciding on the issue of taxes funding abortions. Of course, one would not support "hard earned tax dollars" going to something that he/she does not believe in. But the fact remains, it is still a medical procedure that many cannot afford. She says she thinks that the money should go to more deserving things such as police protection, streets, and
public health. I feel like abortion is a deserving issue because it is an issue of public health. In many cases of abortion, the woman chose to have it because she knew and realized there is no possible way (emotionally, financially, physically, maturity, etc.) to take care of a baby. Many say these reasons are selfish and the mother does not take into consideration the baby's feelings and personal choice. But I feel like the opposite: Choosing to have a baby because they cannot admit that they are just not ready is the real selfishness. Why bring something so innocent and pure into a world where there is not proper care available? This brings me back to the issue of tax dollars. If a woman is to rely on public health care for the baby's care this can become way more expensive than the initial abortion. In other words, if a woman chose to have a baby because there was no way to pay for an abortion, i.e. contracts not being passed for tax dollars to help pay for abortions, than the amount of money invested in her, her pregnancy, and after the child is born increases greatly. I think by passing theses contracts, it gives a woman even more personal choice. Yes, it is a woman's choice completely to have an abortion or not; the government should have no part in controlling that choice. Yet, when things aren't passed to help aid women, isn't this a form of indirect control?
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